• Resolved raven56


    Hi Jompha!

    I need to display coupons on my cart page or any shortcodes to place in different slots, is it possible by using your plugin?

    Overall, your plugin is great and I used it very frequently for my newborn online store. Best wishes to you guys.

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Plugin Author Jompha


    Hi @raven56,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Currently we do not have the requested feature, but we are adding it on our to-do list and will introduce such option in a future update, hopefully very soon!

    Meanwhile we have this feature called Templates (you can find it inside UCFW Settings > Templates). It’s not exactly what you asked for but is very similar in many ways and can be an alternative for the time being. You can give it a try and see if it helps.

    Thank you for your kind wishes. Have a good day!`

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