• Resolved Todd Stratton


    The OS: Linux
    PHP Version: 8.1.18
    WP Version: 6.2.2
    MySQL Version: 10.5.19
    Directory Separator: /

    Copy logs:
    23-07-2023 07:50:08 – 1x, [total: 0.059967041015625, avg: 0.059967041015625] (mem: 18.73 MB – 19643464, peak: 20 MB – 20971520)
    22-07-2023 18:51:33 – 1x, [total: 0.053409814834595, avg: 0.053409814834595] (mem: 124.32 MB – 130360736, peak: 126 MB – 132120576)
    22-07-2023 10:05:50 – 1x, [total: 0.069717884063721, avg: 0.069717884063721] (mem: 14.12 MB – 14807632, peak: 16 MB – 16777216)

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  • Plugin Support MixHa


    Thank you for the logs Todd, we’ll use this information for further plugin optimizations.

    Kind regards

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