• long post, one feature, different results on multiple sites

    I am using WP Accessibility on my 4 sites; all are on WP 6.3 or WP 6.3.1 and PHP 8.2 (or maybe PHP8.0; I would have to check). I am having an issue with “I am using WP Accessibility on my 4 sites; all are on WP 6.3 or WP 6.3.1 and PHP 8.2 (or maybe PHP8.0; I would have to check). I am having an issue with “Continue Reading [Title]” on some, but not all, of my sites. The plug-in works as it always had on Astra & Chaplin themes; it is not working on other sites using

    • Cover Pro (despite my designating the prefix ”Continue Reading”, the link to do so says “Read More” on both blog and home page; clicking on the link works properly on the blog page, but not on the home page, where the attempt to get to the blog fails, and one is returned to the home page.
    • Smartcube (on the blog page, it shows as text as end of paragraph that is followed by the More block—no, the theme excerpts the post earlier than the Read More block; not your problem—I may have to write a LOT of excerpts!).


    • Why does the prefix work on all sites but one?
    • Is there a problem with the plug-in working on a dynamic home page?
    • On the Smartcube site, why is the proper prefix and title showing, but as plain text? I had the plug-in installed and updated before converting to WP 6.3.1*, and now note that I am being told that there is an update, but to the version number, 2.0.1, that I am already using.

    *I believe; I’m not really good at remembering such sequences, but if the info had says that a plug-is not compatible, I certainly would close the window without updating.

    I hope that this too-long post is helpful and not confusing; I did clarify a few things in my mind, at least.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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