• Resolved lheinc


    I did some research on the forum and the closest match had no resolution. I have started receiving notices from the Google Search Console of “Page is not indexed: Alternate page with proper canonical tag.” Like many of there notices, I am not sure if it simply a notice or sometihng I need to fix. I have attached the info from the search console that shows the two URLS, both have a canonical…..To note, I am using a plugin called Permalinks Manager that handles the URL rewrites for URLS, and also the plugin “Redirection.” I am not sure where to start.

    No referring sitemaps detected
    Referring page
    Last crawl
    Jun 25, 2024, 11:22:26 AM
    Crawled as
    Googlebot smartphone
    Crawl allowed?
    Page fetch
    Indexing allowed?
    User-declared canonical
    Google-selected canonical


    Thanks in advance for any guidance.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    The URL https://www.1800doorbell.com/hs4320d-wireless-motion-detector-keypad.htm redirects to https://www.1800doorbell.com/hs4317d-carlon-keypad-entry-contact-alarm-exit-alert.htm, so that’s why Google chose a different “canonical” URL. This is expected and desired behavior from Google.

    The old URL’s feed page still exists in Google’s cache (even though it doesn’t on your site), and when they reinspected their caches, they found the URL to the belonging page, tried to crawl it, and got redirected.

    I hope this explains why you’re seeing the messages. You can safely ignore the warnings when the cause is known to be intentional.

    You can learn more about the messages, notices, and errors from Google Search Console’s Page Indexing report here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/7440203.

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