• Resolved MattiaConfalonieri


    Hi, the plug work great, but I receive this warning at console… any way to solve it?

    acf_search_advanced_custom_search() expected to be a reference, value given - /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:298 
    #8 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/plugin.php:244 - WP_Hook->apply_filters(' AND (((wp_pos...', Array[2])
    #7 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php:2005 - apply_filters_ref_array('posts_search', Array[2])
    #6 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php:3248 - WP_Query->get_posts()
    #5 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/class-wp.php:617 - WP_Query->query(Array[1])
    #4 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/class-wp.php:735 - WP->query_posts()
    #3 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-includes/functions.php:955 - WP->main('')
    #2 /piccole_ricette_locale/wp-blog-header.php:16 - wp()
    #1 /piccole_ricette_locale/index.php:17 - require('/Applications/...')
    (anonymous) @ content.js:3
    EventImpl.dispatchToListener @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:380
    publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) @ VM702 extensions::utils:149
    EventImpl.dispatch_ @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:364
    EventImpl.dispatch @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:386
    publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) @ VM702 extensions::utils:149
    messageListener @ VM703 extensions::messaging:215
    EventImpl.dispatchToListener @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:380
    publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) @ VM702 extensions::utils:149
    EventImpl.dispatch_ @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:364
    EventImpl.dispatch @ VM696 extensions::event_bindings:386
    publicClassPrototype.(anonymous function) @ VM702 extensions::utils:149
    dispatchOnMessage @ VM703 extensions::messaging:339
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  • I get the exact thing. Would you kindly spare a moment and look into it?

    Same here. Any news of an update to fix this? Can I contribute in any way?

    https://wordpress.org/support/topic/php-7-1-warning-4/ is a duplicate of this issue.

    You can apply the following simple change to fix the problem:

    diff --git a/acf-search.php b/acf-search.php
    index e42da27f..68c4ad76 100644
    --- a/acf-search.php
    +++ b/acf-search.php
    @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ function acf_search_list_searcheable_acf(){
      * see https://vzurczak.wordpress.com/2013/06/15/extend-the-default-wordpress-search/
      * credits to Vincent Zurczak for the base query structure/spliting tags section
    - function acf_search_advanced_custom_search( $where, &$wp_query ) {
    + function acf_search_advanced_custom_search( $where, $wp_query ) {
          global $wpdb;
          if ( empty( $where ))
    Plugin Author Direct ICT


    Sorry for our very late reply but we just released version 2.1.7 which fixes the PHP >7.1 issues.

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