• almost all of the free features are covered in “old” contact form 7 or other free plugins.

    then what is so special in this “free” plugin?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Philip Faster.
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  • Anonymous User 18525946


    Hey there, @philipfaster 👋

    We made our free plugin for people wanting simple contact forms — name, email and comment. Unlike Contact Form 7, we spend a lot of time making sure we offer friendly support to all our free users, we have an easy interface to use, we have built-in anti-spam honeypot and checksum, styling controls that don’t require any understanding of code, and we offer an easy upgrade path for people who need more advanced features than Contact Form 7.

    Happyforms has free and paid tiers that grow as your business grows in needs. With Contact Form 7, the only way to get more advanced features is to start over with a different paid plugin. And I suppose that’s the big difference — we’re offering a place to start and a place to grow. That community, ecosystem, continuity and opportunity is something lots of folks appreciate.

    I’m so sorry you didn’t find the added value over Contact Form 7.

    As a small business, we’d really appreciate if you considered updating or removing your review. Every negative review is a real drag for us. And we really do think, for the people who need a plugin to grow into, we’re offering something special.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Anonymous User 18525946.
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