• I had a problem installing this software and the required WD Manager. Turns out, Privacy Badger was blocking it. I contacted the publisher about this and they say they track what plugins and themes your site has installed.

    This company’s non-standard process for installation and updates is overly complicated and given the tracking they perform, highly questionable. User beware.

    After further testing, I learned the text overlay function is virtually useless. I created 2 test slides with text overlays. They looked fine in the edit mode, but looked terrible when previewed and published. The text was significantly larger, the transitions did not work consistent (the first slide looked fine, but the second slide with the exact same settings didn’t – the text just appeared with no transition). As the slideshow repeated, the transition effects for the text layers on both slides failed to work at all – the text just appeared.

    In addition to the above, the slide transitions intermittently failed – switching from one slide to the next with no transition effect at all. The positioning of the text layers did not work, nor did the text padding. The text layers also are not responsive at all. I added line breaks in the text edit box, then clicked the “Editor” button to italicize the text. When I returned to the text layer settings, all the line breaks were gone!

    I decided to take a break from testing, but left the page I was testing open while I did some unrelated browsing. When I returned to the page just a minute later, Slider WD showed another problem. It was completely ignoring the duration specified for each slide and was just showing one slide after another with no delay at all. I’m not sure if this is a problem with the plugin or JavaScript. In any case, WebDorado should disclose it to customers.

    I thought perhaps the issues I experienced might be theme related, so I switched to one of the default WP themes – Twenty Seventeen. The issues persisted, so the it is highly unlikely they are theme related and more likely plugin related. This says a lot about the publisher. So too does the fact that when you click the link in their plugin labeled “Read More in User Manual”, you are directed to a web page that shows a “404 Page Not Found” error.

    I’m extremely disappointed in this software purchase and would not recommend it to anyone – except my competitors. The functionality is totally inconsistent cannot be relied upon. I will not renew my license.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by imthepipe.
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  • Plugin Contributor webdorado


    Hi @imthepipe,
    On behalf of Web-Dorado team, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the negative experience that you had with our products and support.

    Let me clarify the misunderstanding about tracking. WD Manager is designed to help you to install, update and manage Web-Dorado Premium plugins and themes. It only gets the LIST of Web-Dorado plugins and themes, that you are using on your site so that it can show you notifications about available updates. It neither tracks any behavior, nor it tracks your other plugins and themes.

    Please also note, that WD Manager is required for Premium versions only. For the free versions, you can get updates through wordpress.org.

    Regarding your other issues: You have an open ticket with our customer care team. They are looking at it right now and will do their best to solve all your problems with Web-Dorado products.

    I really hope to see you among our satisfied customers.

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