• Resolved ramzesimus



    First of all, thanks for your great plugin! It’s amazing and has lots of different options which exactly what I need for my project.

    However, I have a conflict with WP Rocket plugin. When the “Delay JavaScript execution” option is enabled (see screenshot https://share.cleanshot.com/4XyKNKXX ) then only placeholders are displayed instead of portfolio images (see screenshot https://share.cleanshot.com/whJG1SCW )

    I also excluded plugin files but unfortunately it doesn’t either


    instead I see only a loader (see screenshot https://share.cleanshot.com/JyS203s7 )

    Could you please give some tips how to make the plugin work with WP Rocket? Or probably you could check compatibility with WP Rocket. Thanks in advance!

    Best Regards!

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  • Plugin Author Nikita


    Hi Ramzesimus,

    Thank you for your kind words. We accidentally broke the compatibility code in one of the major plugin updates. We’ll fix this bug in the next update.


    Thread Starter ramzesimus


    Hi Nikita,

    Thanks for your reply!

    Do you probably have any ETA for the next update? Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards!

    Plugin Author Nikita


    Hi Ramzesimus,

    Please check the latest plugin update.


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