• Resolved Anfisa Breus


    When I add item to the cart (woocommerce), then delete it, then I cannot add this item again. Cart is always empty, untill I delete cache.
    Same customers cannot add any item to the cart at all.

    When I deactivated PWA, woocommerce cart works well.

    Maybe it is because PWA cache settings? I added cart, checkout links and in the exclude box in PWA settings, but it doesn’t help.

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  • Plugin Author Magazine3


    Can you please share your website URL? So we can analyze it and help you fix the issue for you.

    Thread Starter Anfisa Breus


    Plugin Author Magazine3


    We checked your issue. Can you please add the ‘Urls Exclude From Cache List’ in a single line. On your website it is multiple lines.
    Screenshot: https://monosnap.com/file/a1HoqfUZk9a8wVps1s8F6mYjgULLMx

    Can you please remove this and add it as a single line. And check whether having the same issue or not.

    Thread Starter Anfisa Breus


    I have added the ‘Urls Exclude From Cache List’ in a single line, but it doesn’t help.

    What I do.

    1. I go to shop and add item to the cart.
    2. Then I delete item from the cart and go to shop again and add the same item to the cart
    3. This time Cart is empty

    After that I cannot add this item to the cart until I clean cache.

    Maybe something else in settings?

    thank you for your help

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Yes you are right. First add the item to cart and after delete item from the cart. And add the same item to cart,cart is empty.
    This is because of that add cart URL is not excluded.

    Can you please add this ‘?add-to-cart=’ URL in ‘Urls Exclude From Cache List’?
    Because this add to cart URL is not added their?

    Thread Starter Anfisa Breus


    Thank you so much!!!! It works. I added “add-to-cart=” without ‘?’.

    Thread Starter Anfisa Breus


    Thank you once again 🙂

    Plugin Author Magazine3


    Glad that it’s working now.

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