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  • Plugin Author Roberto Fietta


    Hi, can you check your browser console for any error?

    Thread Starter Ahmad Syauqie


    Oke will do. Will get back here for the results.

    Thanks 🙂

    Thread Starter Ahmad Syauqie


    And suddenly it’s working again now. I think it was a JavaScript conflict with other plugins.



    Thread Starter Ahmad Syauqie


    Hi there,

    I just opened Newsletter Plugin, the composer won’t show up again. Exactly like this:

    I did nothing to wordpress 🙁


    Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Hi, you need to find possible errors using the browser debug console. On chrome CTRL+I.

    There is no much we can do to help. If you don’t find anything, contact me we can organize a debug session.

    Thread Starter Ahmad Syauqie


    Hi Stefano, thanks for replying. Have tried the debugging console on Chrome, no luck 🙁

    Anyway I have found a root cause, well I’m not expecting this actually. I need to use my office’s VPN and everyting back to normal. When I turn off the VPN, the composer stop working. And vice versa.

    I’ll keep an eye on this one.

    Thanks 🙂

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