• Hi,

    Great plugin, everything work except colors, i don’t know why but when i change color it doesn’t apply on the status

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  • Plugin Author tychesoftwares


    Hi @natelvl,

    Yes, I agree with you that the selected color is not getting added to Order Status. I’ve already escalated this bug to our development team so they will surely include the fix in the next release.

    Thanks for pointing out this bug. I’ll share the fix here too.

    Plugin Author tychesoftwares


    Hi @natelvl,

    This is actually not the issue.

    You will have to enable ‘Enable colors in status column’ option to apply the color in the status column. Screenshot of it: https://prnt.sc/1hfpea4 After enabling this, the background color would be applied.

    However, we will be adding the note on that page about this setting.

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