• I use the wooreer plugin, to calculate shipping rate by distance. It runs smoothly, and calculate the rate perfectly. But there’s a series of code appear on top of the checkout and cart page. I try disable log, but the code is still there. Please help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter uiuxsyspro



    Thread Starter uiuxsyspro


    the code looks like this

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Hi, I am not sure what code you are referring to. My guess was the debug output that was printed in the front-end. If so, that debug output only appears to users logged in with the admin role. And it only appears if you enable the debug option in WooCommerce shipping settings.

    Thread Starter uiuxsyspro


    The debug output disappear after i untick the debug mode option. thank u! But now the wooreer shipping option won’t appear on the cart page. hmmmmmm

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by uiuxsyspro.
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