• Resolved rade1



    I have issue with checkboxes, when I select what I want it works great, show all options, but after I click on update button, to update page, no matter did I change something all values turn to 1. If I unselect all, update (with nothing selected), select what I need update again it works fine, till I update it again. Having to workaround this issue is time consuming, checkboxes have over 30 fields. Is there better way to fix this bug?


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  • Plugin Support Beda


    Checkboxes work just fine with the Latest Types Version.

    Please let me know what you do, so I can replicate it.

    Running into this issue as well.

    I can provide access to my website if needed. And a step-by-step list to replicate the issue.

    Theme: Custom
    WordPress: 4.6.1
    Toolset Types: 2.2.1

    Already deactivated all other plugins.
    Chrome Mac + PC
    Firefox Mac

    Plugin Support Beda


    We have discovered a BUG where checkboxes do save “1” to the Database if saved again with no changes.

    We will address this in a future update which is not long to be released.

    Thread Starter rade1


    i confirm that patch 2.2.2 fix this issue, thanks alot 😉

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