• Resolved albertmart


    hello there. can we change the approval method?

    for example, customers pay the price and the Admin and vendors (sellers) accept the order and after that they will ship the products, for both Dokan and Woocommerce.

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  • Plugin Support ashlyjohny



    As of now, plugin not accepting payments during checkout to prevent complications and avoid discussions with customers. Customers will only be charged upon approval, which eliminates the need for refunds and simplifies the process.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter albertmart


    thanks for your answer.

    is there a way to change the codes?

    can we do this?

    Plugin Author Sarankumar



    Achieving this isn’t straightforward with existing hooks/filters. It might require some extensive code editing and rewriting to meet the requirement. Unfortunately, detailing all the changes is quite challenging. If you have any specific questions or areas you’d like more guidance on, feel free to ask.
    Note: if we have more users ask for this feature we will include this feature in future updates.

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