• Resolved giamitus


    Hi, and thank you for this plugin 🙂

    I’m using AFC for some extra fields on my products, and i was wondering if it’s possible to show the “Coming soon” text somewhere else than JUST AFTER the title?

    I have my title and an AFC field and i would like to place the Upcoming text AFTER the AFC, instead of between the title and the afc.

    My product – COMING SOON – AFC
    My product – AFC – COMING SOON

    Is there any shortcode that i can use to call the coming soon text just where i want?

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me check. Hope I will be back with some good news.

    Plugin Author Mohaiminul Islam


    Sorry for the inconvenience. I am updating the plugin. the update will have a filter to show title as you want.

    Thread Starter giamitus


    Hi and thank you for the quick answer 🙂

    I just update the plugin, but i can’t find how to put the “coming soon” text where i want..
    Can you please help me out?
    Thank you a lot!

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