• Resolved birdbqcom


    Hi All,
    So I’m certain this is an easy fix but just cant find the solution. Basically on my front page I have the Product Section below Slider/Banner sections etc.

    Today if I show only 2 products as an example they align to the left leaving a large gap – how do I set this section to align to the center? Im assuming this could be done via the additional CSS or via WooCommerce short code.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.


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  • I ran into the same problem. Really need help, how to center only 3 products on the product section? I’m using shopisle theme.


    Thanks for contacting us.

    For Center product please go to Appearance > customize > Additional CSS
    and paste below code

    .home #latest .multi-columns-row {
    padding-left: 30%;

    Note: If you have only 2 product then you can try this code. If you have more than 2 product then remove this code.

    Let me know how it goes.


    Well, it looks good with 20% and only applied on desktop view. But now the problem is, that the size of the products are very small. Maybe you have some more suggestions @wpcoderguy ?

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