• Resolved bosscon1


    Hello, is there a way to check to see if an invoice email has been sent? I did find an email template page that shows the last 50 email sent, but it’s not searchable. My ideal situation would be to CC every invoice emailed to our office email, and that would be searchable, but I don’t see a CC blank for any emails across your system, and if I type in multiple emails into the email blank, separated by a semicolon, the email will not send. This is the case with automated emails as well. Do you have any advice for me? New to your system but trying to learn it!

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  • Hi there!

    At this time, the Email Manager can only send to one contact at a time. However, I do see that there is an open request for a feature that will allow multiple recipients and CC/BCC that is currently under review. I have gone ahead and added your submission to this request. If you would like an update on the status of this enhancement in the future please do feel free to contact us via ticket here:


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