• Resolved Leiif


    One of my sites is having issues. The hosting service pointed this out:

    t**********r.com [Fri Dec 15 19:41:06 2023] [error] [client] AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in /home/sites/25b/2/2ce3e5fb6e/public_html/t**********r.com/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 561′
    to********er.com [Fri Dec 15 23:51:32 2023] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in /home/sites/25b/2/2ce3e5fb6e/public_html/to*****er.com/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 561
    t******er.com [Fri Dec 15 23:52:38 2023] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Trying to get property ‘ID’ of non-object in /home/sites/25b/2/2ce3e5fb6e/public_html/to*****er.com/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/libs/sfsi_widget.php on line 561

    This looks to be plugin issues

    Should I reinstall or try something else?

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Leiif.
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  • .

    Plugin Support Efe Dinler


    Hi @leiif,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Our team is checking the issue and will provide you further feedback as soon as possible.

    In the meanwhile, please feel free to open up a new thread if we can provide you any further assistance. Thank you! 🙂

    Plugin Support Efe Dinler


    Hi again @leiif,

    Thank you for your patience!

    The mentioned issue is fixed in our upcoming version of our plugin and it will be released as soon as possible. Please stay tuned!

    If you need any further assistance, please feel free to open up a new thread in our support forum. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Leiif


    Since I have the plugin deactivated will I see when it updates?

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @leiif

    Yes you will see in the Updates tab of WordPress as well as red circle next to “Plugins” menu in side navigation of WordPress 🙂

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