• Resolved macadk


    Immediately following update of wp-typography to version 5.0.0, my blog failed to load properly. The page would load the title and subhead for the site, and the rest would be black, or only a black screen would show. I am running the WordPress 2016 theme on WordPress 4.8.1. I’ve been able to isolate the problem to this plugin. I’m happy to work with you to determine the issue, so feel free to contact me.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author pepe


    Are you running PHP 5.6? If so, I’ve there is a tiny, but unfortunately, fatal bug in the PHP-Typography library. New releases both for the library and wp-Typography will follow later tonight.

    I have the same issue. Thanks in advance for the update 🙂

    Plugin Author pepe


    @macadk The issue is fixed in wp-Typography 5.0.1. Sorry for the breakage 🙁 From now on, all releases will have run the full test suite on all supported PHP versions.

    Thread Starter macadk



    You hit that on the head: PHP 5.6. I’ll wait for the update! 🙂

    Thread Starter macadk



    V5.0.1 works like a charm. Thank you!

    We had the same problem yesterday, the site failed to load. I tested our recently updated plugins in an FTP client one by one with an underscore on the plugin folder name (Ex: _wp style) and found which one it was and uninstalled 😉

    Thank you for your quick update! Keep up the good spirit.

    Best regards Dag (https://fripress.se)

    Plugin Author pepe


    @dag-persson, thanks for the kind words. I think this is the second time a bug like this hit the plugin. For historic reasons, PHP < 7.0.0 makes a distiniction between the callable type (anything that can be executed, i.e. a function, a [class, static method] or [object, method] tuple) and things that can be executed with the syntax of a function (so-called variable functions), as opposed to via the older call_user_func mechanism.

    Unfortunately, as such callables are basically strings evaluated at runtime, static analysis won’t the issues, the code “looks good” for PHP 5.6 even though it isn’t. I’ve since change the test harness to run the complete test suite on PHP 5.6 as well. It takes much longer, but that’s a comparably small price to be for not having a release blow up like this again 🙁

    Hi Pepe,
    first let em thank you for this wonderful plugin.
    I´ve been looking for a tool like this.
    Unfortunaly i had some issues with plugin conflicts in combination with wp typography.
    Yesterday it caused my site to fail loading as well.

    I use PHP 7.1

    After deactivating wp typography the site runs again.

    Best regards

    This is my PHP failure log

    PHP_Typography\PHP_Typography::set_hyphenator_cache() must be an instance of PHP_Typography\Hyphenator_Cache, string given, called in /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/includes/class-wp-typography.php on line 842 and defined in /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/vendor/mundschenk-at/php-typography/src/class-php-typography.php:484
    Stack trace:
    #0 /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/includes/class-wp-typography.php(842): PHP_Typography\PHP_Typography->set_hyphenator_cache(‘r:193025;’)
    #1 /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/includes/class-wp-typography.php(704): WP_Typography->get_typography_instance()
    #2 /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/includes/class-wp-typography.php(620): WP_Typography->process(‘Home’, true, false, Object(PHP_Typography\Settings))
    #3 /html/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(300): WP_Typography->process_title(‘Home’)
    #4 /html/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php(203): WP_Hook->appl in /html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-typography/vendor/mundschenk-at/php-typography/src/class-php-typography.php on line 484

    Plugin Author pepe


    @golub Could you please open a new thread? That’s a completely separate issue and things will be more readable if we keep them apart.

    oh, ok.
    I´ll do so right away.

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