• Breaks the Dashboard. All Dashboard widgets disappear except for a warning indicating a critical error has occurred. There does not seem to be any support available. Too bad, as it would have been a handy add on. Note that it does not seem to crash the site, the only indication something is wrong is the loss of all content on the WordPress Dashboard.

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  • Plugin Support Md.Mustakim Ahmed



    I apologize for the inconvenience you faced.

    We realize that it took a long time to get back to you. We also noticed your reply on a support thread created by someone else. There you mentioned you’re having issues with a third-party plugin called LearnDash Pro panel within your dashboard. Also, our Support rep Nazifa told you our team is working on this.

    Could you please create a thread providing more details (screenshot of the issue or a screen record) on this so we can assist you with the issue? 

    Thank you!

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