• Resolved gluton



    Since the update of today, I have problems with differents parts of the plugin :

    After creating an estimate and choose to send a notification by email to the customer, it hangs on the turning circle. Refreshing the page and pressing again the button “send notification” send the notification.

    On the estimate page, pressing “accept estimate” make the page hang on a loading. Refreshing the page says that the estimate has been accepted but not invoice has been created.

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  • Plugin Support brandonco


    Hi @gluton,

    Thanks for reaching out I’m sorry you’re having some trouble with Sprout Invoices after updating to the latest version of the plugin.

    We attempted to recreate both of your issues and were unable to do so on our end leading me to think there may be some underlying issue with your specific WordPress instance.

    It would be a great help if you could enable WP DEBUG on your website and let us know if it reveals any error messages. You can use Github Gist or PasteBin to copy/paste any errors messages you find and create a link so that we can review it.

    At the very least if there are any errors present we’ll be able to take that information and set up a test in an environment that closely resembles your own.

    Thanks @gluton we look forward to assisting you further with this!

    Thread Starter gluton


    Hello Brandonco and thanks your for your anwser.
    Here’s the debug log when I click on “accept estimate” and the page hang on a turning dot :

    Plugin Support brandonco


    Hi @gluton thanks for your log! I was able to set this up and replicate the Stacktrace error. I immediately notified our developers and they have pushed out a patch for this.

    You should see an available update for Sprout Invoices in your WordPress dashboard. Please update to version 20.5.3 and let us know if you experience any further issues.

    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by brandonco.
    Thread Starter gluton


    Hello, I can confirm it’s fixed !

    Thanks you

    Plugin Support brandonco


    That’s awesome @gluton! I’m happy we could help with this. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can help you with!

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