• Resolved simsim1986


    I added mailchimp API but can’t find mailchimp in Select Connection is there anything I need to do on mailchimp?

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  • Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    Hello 👋🏽,

    Are you checking for it in opt-in campaigns or in the Email digest section?

    Email services integrations are not available in the email digest section in the Free version of MailOptin.

    If you are experiencing this issue while checking the in the opt-in campaigns section then please check your integrations tab (MailOptin >> Integrations >> MailChimp) and let us know if it shows Mailchimp as connected with a green text.


    Thread Starter simsim1986


    Thanks for your reply, Yes I’m talking about Automation campaign, I’ve checked MailChimp and it’s on green connected but when I check Select Connection I only see WordPress registered users.

    Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    You will need the Pro version of MailOptin to send email automation to a Mailchimp list.

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