• usark00


    I’m making some minor changes to this website for a client. Their homepage is displaying properly from the front end of the website, but when I go to edit the homepage from the WP admin pages side of things (on the Home page), nothing shows up for me to edit. There’s no way for me to edit the site’s homepage. This also happens on other pages, like the Tools page with the freight class calculator.

    There is also an issue with the formatting alignment of the attestant’s information on testimonials (scroll down on the homepage to find). I can’t seem to find the section in which I can edit testimonial information even on the testimonial page where I can see the quote.

    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by usark00.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello

    sometimes there is custom template is set so all html and php code comes from php template file so please check is it set custom php template for relevant pages in admin ?

    Thread Starter usark00


    @mayuripatel Yes, I think that’s what it is. How can I access and edit the php template file?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Most WP sites have a theme editor. From the Admin menu: Appearance > Theme File Editor.

    Editing the active theme is discouraged. Introducing a coding error could crash the site and make the theme editor inaccessible. You should switch to an alternative theme before editing. Or confirm you can edit the same files via FTP so you have some recourse should the editor become inaccessible.

    If the theme is subject to periodic updates, you shouldn’t edit its files. Your edits will be lost when the theme updates. Instead keep the altered files in a child theme.

    hello @usark00 :

    you can check adminside Edit Home page and check right side Template : section is set with some custom Template except default wordpress provides like this : https://prnt.sc/vAoH_9xa9CkX , if there is custom PHP template set then you can find that file inside : login to FTP , go to path mentioned below and can edit that file .

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