• Resolved Dave Loodts


    Hi, i got a question about the SEO Canonical setting in your plugin.
    I’ll explain the case of a standard WooCommerce site.
    Image you have a WooCommerce category page: http://www.site.com/shop/kids/hat. WooCommerce still shows the product category page for whatever word your fill in for “kids”. For example: http://www.site.com/shop/lalala/hat.
    It’s up to the canonical link to point to the right product category page. But when your plugin is installed, with the default canonical setting to filter; it overwrites the canonical link of the (Yoast) SEO plugin and it still points to the fake url http://www.site.com/shop/lalala/hat. Your canonical link just follows the fake links. So, that creates duplicated content, which we noticed in Google Search Console for 2 sites that uses this plugin.

    So yes we can disable that setting. But can you explain what the impact could be then? Any impact on the working of the filters? Why is this canonical setting even needed?

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  • Plugin Author Dmytro Holovnia



    I did check the issue and I have a question. What version of the plugin are you using?

    I don’t see any code in the free version of the plugin that can effect canonical.


    Thread Starter Dave Loodts


    Hi, i’m so sorry and i was wrong. I have noticed it in the Premium version, i will sent a support ticket via the website.

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