• Resolved Blair Geddes


    So clicking the search icon, would perform the same action as pressing enter.

    It would redirect to the search results URL like below:


    Is this feature possible to add or custom JS to add perhaps?

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Well yes, it is possible. In fact it already works in the way as you describe it.
    So please go to the plugin settings page -> ‘Search form’ tab and choose search form layout with search icon. Also make sure that ‘Search Results’ option is set to ‘Both ajax search results and search results page’ or ‘Only search results page ( no ajax search results )’.


    Thread Starter Blair Geddes


    We actually already have that in place – https://paste.pics/a67ba209dd9cb0f010025c0a5c00be65

    But on click of the search icon, nothing happens. No pointer on hover.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Ok, in this case can you please give me the link to the page where I can find working search form?


    Thread Starter Blair Geddes


    Thanks. Is it possible to direct message us or email for a front-end link please? Or outline how we email your support directly perhaps? Thanks.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    You can email directly to wpunitnet@gmail.com

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Looks like I found the problem. Inside your child theme style.css file I see following style

    .aws-container .aws-search-form .aws-form-btn{
    		pointer-events: none;

    So just remove it and the search button must work fine.

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