• Resolved Fajr Yassin



    when update plugin I have this error:

    An error occurred while updating ProfilePress: Could not copy file. wp-user-avatar/third-party/vendor/nesbot/carbon/src/Carbon/Lang/az_AZ.php

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  • Plugin Support Ibrahim Nasir


    Hello @fajryassin 👋🏽

    This error message is mostly caused by a general issue on your hosting server and not ProfilePress. The first thing to check is your hosting space. Make sure your hosting account has enough disk space as low space can cause this issue.

    You should also check your file permissions and make sure they are correct, your hosting support can assist with this.

    If you are still having issues after that, please send us a message so we can take a deeper look at this for you.


    Thread Starter Fajr Yassin


    Hello @ibrahimkh4l33l

    Yes, you are right, my space host is full. when remove some files, plugin update.

    thank you

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