• Resolved Rene Hermenau


    Hi @arisoft

    Can I offer my resources to help you bring back the plugin here?

    I am the plugin author of WP STAGING and a few other popular plugins and use the adminer on daily basis for supporting clients.

    Before I work on a fork of it I’d like to ask if there is anything I can assist you to speed up the listing of the plugin.

    I think I am aware of why the plugin has been closed here by the wp team so I may be able to release quickly a solution for the “issue”.

    You can also contact me privately at support [at] wp-staging.com


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  • Plugin Author arisoft



    Thank you for your offer. We did all the necessary modifications (v. 1.2.3) and we are waiting while review is completed by plugins repository support team. They started about 2 weeks ago. You can try to ping them and ask about review status.

    Thread Starter Rene Hermenau


    @arisoft Ah great to hear. If they are already on it we need to give them more time. adminer is a complex plugin and I am sure they will check out the code more carefully now.

    Pinging them will not speed up the approval process.



    Yeah, it’s one of the standard plugins I’m using for fast changes.
    I don’t know what really happened and they took it down, however if I can help too let me know!
    In the meantime if anyone wants to use it, for local development, (but also check the code) it is available over here, it is an older version, I have tested on PHP7 and it’s working. I am not aware of any security issue, however wish will come back to the repository..

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Stefano.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Stefano.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Stefano.


    I have also found another thread here
    You can always download the latest version from SVN https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/ari-adminer.1.2.3.zip

    Thread Starter Rene Hermenau


    @madking-web-design as far as I know your linked version has a potential security flaw and I highly encourage everyone not to use it on a public available production system.

    I will not get in any details here but you can quickly google around on your own for this!

    Plugin Author arisoft


    @renehermi the latest version (1.2.3) doesn’t contain any known vulnerabilities. It seems you wrote about the problem which was found in v. 1.1.13, but it was fixed in v. 1.1.14+.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by arisoft.



    what’s the status about ARI adminer ?
    It’s still not available anymore, what’s happening ? Is it related to a security issue ?

    Thank you.

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