• Resolved Sunny Soni


    Hello Family,

    Is it ok to humbly ask to leave a review on the plugin support thread after successfully solving the support request?

    Thanks much,

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Moved to Everything else WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic.

    Is it ok to humbly ask to leave a review on the plugin support thread after successfully solving the support request?


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    You can always ask for a review, certainly. You just can’t give them anything in return for it.

    Thread Starter Sunny Soni


    Thank you!

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