• Hi,
    I have had this error for quite some time now and it causes 8 of the same below errors each day (I stuck in the … below and took out the file directory detail):

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function WPBlockRefererSpam\insert_with_markers() in …/block-referer-spam/lib/RefSpamBlocker.php on line 198

    Is this an error in the coding or something I need to fix on my side?
    I have updates in this plugin turned off.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

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  • Plugin Author supersoju



    What version of WordPress are you running?

    Can you try changing the “Block Mode” of the plugin to “WordPress Block”?

    Thread Starter XW


    I have version of your plugin and the error was 2 lines less before you recent update or line 196. I have v 4.6.1 of wordpress.

    I just changed to block mode at your request and will monitor the error file.


    Plugin Author supersoju


    The insert_with_markers() function is built into WordPress core, and has been in there quite awhile. If it’s undefined that could signal a problem with your install.

    You could check that wp-admin/includes/misc.php is the same as from a fresh install of WordPress.

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