• Resolved Sylvain L



    I create a form with 12 calculations.

    When I select the different options, I can see results in the form in the 12 calculation fields. According to selected options, only one calculation fields is concerned. The other ones stay at 0.

    I want to display the results after submission, in the validation message. So I insert all the calculations in the after submission message :

    It works perfectly for most of calculations. But for some of them, despite I see the good result in the good output before submission, It shows 0 after submission.

    Of course, I can send an export of my form if necessary.

    Thank you for your help.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Sylvain L.
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  • Thread Starter Sylvain L


    Sorry, wrong alert 🙂

    I found my mistake. I had 2 groups of conditionnal fields which used same values.

    I changed it and everything works like a charm. That plugin rocks.

    Have a nice day.

    Plugin Support Nithin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @reventlov,

    Glad to hear you have managed to resolve it. I’m marking this thread as resolved for now.

    Feel free to open a new ticket for any further assistance.

    Best Regards,


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