• Resolved torstensbuechereckede



    I’m using Link Library for a while on a small private blog. Due to the fact that initial refresh without caching went slower and slower I checked all plungins until I realized that Link Library is causing the effect likely in combintion with refreshing the RSS headlines. I had a blogroll on the sidebar of the blog which was visible on every page. Which caused a refresh on every page load.

    At first I thought that there is maybe an option where I can change when and how often the feeds are refreshed. Maybe I have not found it and there is some.

    I have changed the blogroll to a subpage which avoids the refreshes but also hides the blogroll.

    If there is really no setting it would be nice to have one. If have found the “Time before clearing RSS display cache (in seconds)” option but this seems to do something else. Otherwise there would not be a 10 seconds refresh on every page but only the first. 7 of 10 seconds seems to be link library related. Only when the page is cached this does not happen.


    Standard option: Reresh feeds on pageload, second option refresh feeds on schedule and store the result locally in DB (with the link byself). The lookup in the DB would be much faster than browsing several feeds every time.

    Time schedule: e.g. every 15 Minutes, every half an hour, hourly, every 3 hours, one time a day with possibility to set an hour for refresh e.g. 4:00 at night.

    In my case I would use refresh once a day at nighttime. That is not the latest version of the rss but the links include other blogs. The content does not refresh so often and I do not want to stress their systems to much.

    Would this be an option or is something like this included and I simply did not find it or is their a caching meachnism which is not working in my case?

    Best regards

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  • Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    It’s been a while since I’ve looked in the RSS display code, so I’ll have to dig back in and check if I’ve broken anything in this feature over time. I must say I did not think that anyone was actually using the RSS feature. It’ll probably be a couple of weeks before I have time to dig into this one.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    Hello Yannik, I have a good workaround for now. So no rush. If I can help in any way please tell me. I also have a staging environment for testing.

    For me that’s the main point of a blog roll – showing the latest posts – but I think nearly no one does nowadays. 😉

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I have taken a look at the RSS display code and this code uses the WordPress function called fetch_feed, provided by WordPress. This function has a built-in caching mechanism to cache the content of feeds. I have provided a configuration field on the Link Library Global Options page to be able to specify “Time before clearing RSS display cache (in seconds)”. The default value here is 43200 seconds, which is 12 hours. Can you check what you have this option set to?

    One thing I’m wondering is if another plugin might be modifying the value of this cache expiry as well, since plugins can change that value with a simple filter function. You could find out by doing a text search for “wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime” across all of your plugin files. And theme files as well while you’re at it, in case the theme is changing this.

    Once we figure out why the cache is not working correctly, you could look at scheduling a load of the page overnight with a cron job and setting the cache expiry time to 24 hours.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede



    thanks for checking.

    seems to be only used in link library:

    I’m using the standard setting of 43200. But maybe this is even simpler. I mentioned that I have placed the links in the sidebar. That means they are on every page of wordpress. If the whole page is cachend and not the linklibrary part as a subelement than this means a full refresh for every page loaded. Could this be possible?

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I don’t really know a lot about how caching plugins work. But even if Link Library was being asked to render its content every refresh, then the caching would come into play and it would load much faster. I just ran some tests on my local installation, without any caching plugin, and the RSS content took much longer to display on the first page refresh than on subsequent refreshes… so I’m really not sure of what is causing your site to always take a long time to render the RSS feeds…

    Maybe asking the cashing plugin that you’re using if they do anything that could affect the RSS caching mechanism in WP.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    On the first page refresh of the same page or is it also much faster on the refresh of other pages with link library? So in my case link library was on the sidebar and the long time was taken on the refresh of every page but only on first load of every page. After that caching kicks in.

    If this is only happening on the first page refresh even though link library is links are shown on several pages than it’s something which could be celated to the caching plugin which is WP Speed of Light in my case. This could be related on the minimize / combine functions.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    I had not tested putting the library on multiple pages, but I did now. It takes some time to refresh only on the first page that I pull up with my library with RSS feeds. It is then snappy on other pages, whether it’s the first load or subsequent loads.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    Hi, thank you for testing. I did the same on my staging environment. I completely deactivated the caching plungin – speed of light.

    define( ‘WP_CACHE’,true);
    Initial refresh around 10 seconds per page
    Following refresh 2 seconds

    So basically caching is working but only on every page basis.

    Page refresh without Link Library sidebar and using the rss feeds for headlines of latest posts
    Initial around <2 seconds per page
    Folowing refresh same time again <2 seconds

    WP Speed of Light Plugin on + Link libary sidebar
    Initial refresh around 10 seconds per page (for every page where Link Library is included)
    Following refresh same page 2 Seconds

    So I only recognized full page caching up to now no matter if special caching plugin is enabled or not based on the results. That’s not the same result that you had. But the paging plugins sometimes do not really remove their code when deactivated or removed. I think to be absolutely shure I have to create a new wordpress installation with just Link Library and without caching plugin. Maybe my caching plugin is messing this up.

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    Which caching plugin have you used for your tests?

    I have created a new WordPress installation with DB copy. The only active plugih is link library and a theme – nothing else.

    With this setup it takes very long for every refresh with link libary and refreshing RSS feeds (around 8 seconds per refresh) and it does not matter if it’s always the same page or not. There seems to be no caching at all without specialized caching plugin although define( ‘WP_CACHE’,true); and define(‘ENABLE_CACHE’, true); is set and cache folder is created in wp-content.

    Plugin Author Yannick Lefebvre


    Hi there, I don’t know if this will still be relevant to you, but the latest version of Link Library has improved caching for RSS feed items. Instead of relying on the built-in WordPress caching, I have just implemented caching with WordPress transients and the results are really good. You might already have moved on to another plugin and I am sorry if that is the case. If you’re still using Link Library, update to the latest version and you will see improvements!

    Thread Starter torstensbuechereckede


    Hello Yannick, Thanks for the update. I just moved the Blogrol to a subpage but according to last tests I could move it back to main page. I will check that some days more.

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