• I do short because my french is better than my english. I think is a got idea if you add a new option on this page [ redundant link removed ] Favorite and/or Add to List BUTTON, for plugin. Like youtube or other site please we really need it and if I can talk about other suggestion we need Filter results.

    Je crois qu’il serait une bonne idée si vous ajoutiez une nouvelle option sur cette page [ lien redondant supprimé ] un bouton favoris et/ou Ajouter à la liste, pour les plugins. Comme sur Youtube ou d’autre site. s’il vous plait nous avons vraiment besoin de ca. Si je peux me permetre une seconde sugestion nous avons besoin pouvoir filtrer les résultas de recherche

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not a Requests and Feedback topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Thank you for the suggestions. In case you were not aware, favorite functionality already exists, but not in the way you describe. The plugins list comes from data at wordpress.org. You can mark plugins as favorite in the repository here at wordpress.org (heart icon next to download button). Then on the plugin install screen, go to the favorites tab and enter your wordpress.org username to see only the plugins you’ve marked here as favorites.

    Thread Starter Saint Exquis


    yes I see it today tank’s a lot, if i want devlope the listing system is goood? i think is open source ?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, all open source under the GPL license. You want to develop a listing system to filter plugin search results on the install plugins screen? I suggest developing a plugin that enables it. Plugins that add useful functionality that’s attractive to most users can end up being rolled into core code. For plugin development, you should find the Plugin Handbook useful.

    I can tell you what little I know about the install plugins screen. Its display is managed by WP_Plugin_Install_List_Table class. Central to what it does is the plugins_api() function, which gets appropriate plugin data from wordpress.org.

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