• It looks good at first, but you can’t actually use it. The entire permissions structure is bugged. Owner does nothing. Client does nothing. You can’t easily just assign people to be part of a project, and you can’t let anyone do anything without letting them do everything (full admin of the plugin settings and edit all projects). So unfortunately it’s entirely useless because it’s not functional for more than one person who is also the admin. Further, it is clear that even if the permissions weren’t totally broken, you can’t really use it in a practical sense without buying a plugin to allow front end edits. However, you can’t buy just that plugin, you have to buy a whole package. Yearly. So turns out there is no such thing as free, it’s a teaser at best, but given the bugs and apparent lack of support, this is a complete waste of time. Bummer, it LOOKS great, but they put a lot of time into making something useless and apparently abandoned it.

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