• Resolved O K


    Hey Hey,
    On WordPress 6.5.2 and PHP version 8.2.18 there is a bug in the plugin, can’t click on anything and the data overlaps the content.

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  • Plugin Author Joost de Valk


    That’s annoying 🙂

    This looks like the JavaScript is erroring. Could you check your JavaScript error console, if you know how that works, and share the errors showing there?

    Thread Starter O K


    There really isn’t a single error, I’ve already looked. I even tried disabling all plugins and using the native default template.



    Just as info: I am also on PHP 8.2.18 and unaffected by this.

    Plugin Author Joost de Valk


    @ffscz something is doing jQuery things that my code isn’t doing… Could you check if the latest version still gives you these issues?

    Plugin Author Joost de Valk


    closing for lack of response…

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