• Hi everyone – great theme and very helpful community.

    I’m trying to remove the “Home” breadcrumb text on my homepage above first post, as well as breadcrumbs on other site sections (eg, Home » EV101). I have tried to add the following code snippets below (per Mission News Code Snippets Library) – first one for removing homepage and second one for all pages. What am I doing wrong?

    .home .post-header,
    .home .entry-header { 
      display: none; 
    .singular-page .post-header,
    .singular-page .entry-header{ 
      display: none; 

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Theme Author Ben Sibley


    Thanks for using Mission News!

    The breadcrumb trail is actually a feature of the Yoast SEO plugin. If you disable it via that plugin’s settings, it will be removed from the site.

    Thread Starter jfoxev


    Thank you Ben! Much appreciated. Happy 4th!

    Theme Author Ben Sibley


    You’re welcome! And Happy 4th to you as well!

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