• Hello,

    Today when I was editing a page with the Cornerstone Page Builder for X Theme, something happened where my blog posts’ headers, footers, H1 title, and featured images are no longer being published on the front end of my website’s blog posts. Also notable is that the content of my blog posts no longer have left or right margins/padding. Content starts on the very left of the screen and continues to the very right of the screen like an old 1990’s, simple html website post.

    My static pages are okay, with no problems.

    Further my search bar on my blog no longer returns a list of relevant blog posts when searching for a topic. Executing a search with the search bar just directly sends me to a single blog post instead of a list of relevant posts.

    I thought it might be a X Theme problem because I was doing edits with the Cornerstone Page Builder when I first noticed it.

    I tried restoring my entire website by rolling it back from the last known good version using my UpdraftPlus backup plugin. The problem resolved for a few seconds then came right back. I also tried changing themes to a generic free WP theme, to check if it was X Theme or not causing the problem, but the problem persisted even under a different theme.

    What else can I try to resolve this problem?


    Andrew Feazelle

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I am not sure I understand your question in relation to this forum. Are you using the Go Theme?

    If not, I don’t think there is much we can do to help you.

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