• I typed out a blog post with the title, Billionaire, anyone? and saved it, but when I tried to access it, the post had disappeared. I can’t find it in drafts or anywhere. I know I saved it as a draft but it doesn’t show up anywhere. Would appreciate assistance.

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  • Hey, Let’s try a few simple steps to find it:

    1. Check the Trash:
      • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
      • Navigate to Posts > All Posts.
      • Click on the Trash tab. If your post is there, hover over it and click Restore.
    2. Look in Drafts:
      • In the same Posts > All Posts section, click on Drafts at the top to filter by drafts. Your post might be there.
    3. Search for the Post:
      • Use the search bar in the Posts > All Posts section to search for your post title “Billionaire, anyone?” or any keywords from your post.
    4. Check Revisions:
      • Open any post in the editor.
      • On the right side, look for a Revisions section. You might find an auto-saved version of your missing post there.

    If these steps don’t help, please let me know any other details or issues you encountered. I’m here to help!

    Thread Starter lucyappadoo22


    Hi Angelis. I tried what you suggested, but still couldn’t find it.


    Thread Starter lucyappadoo22


    I had to get someone to fix mine, and now have been able to publish my blog post.

    @lucyappadoo22 Do you know how they fixed it, by any chance?

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