• Hi,

    The block editor is suddenly disappeared today! I deleted a free website in wordpress.com today, don’t see any relation to this. I created a post draft yesterday, everything was fine. Today when I opened the post draft, it’s in classic editor mode. Then I find everything post and page edit is in classic editor mode. How to get block editor back? I saw some discussion saying switch back to default theme, but I don’t want to do that because I have done some customizations. Please help!


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • Hi @wendyhuang! Just to make sure – is this question related to a WordPress.com site? If it is you will want to head over to WordPress.com support: https://wordpress.com/support/

    My understanding is that the classic editor needs to be enabled after WordPress 5+. So that means you need to find where it is coming from.

    I would start by making sure WordPress is up to date and that you have a backup: https://wordpress.org/support/article/updating-wordpress/
    Are you using a child theme so that you do not lose your customizations?

    If you go to your list of plugins, do you have the “Classic Editor” plugin? If it is there, disable it.

    Thread Starter wendyhuang


    Thanks Roxy!

    I do not use wordpress.com, I have my blog hosted on bluehost. The next day I found it’s back to block editor itself!


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