• Resolved m266



    how can I block short spam comments?
    Example: jrWesVmSlHGIJ

    Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Author nintechnet


    You can use the .htninja script.
    For instance, this assumes that you don’t want anyone to post a comment shorter than 15 characters using the WordPress built-in comment forms (it won’t work if you’re using third-party plugins to create forms):

     | NinjaFirewall optional configuration file                                                 |
     |                                                                                           |
     | See: https://blog.nintechnet.com/ninjafirewall-wp-edition-the-htninja-configuration-file/ |
    // Block comments that are shorter than 15 characters
    if ( strpos( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'wp-comments-post.php') !== FALSE &&
       strlen( $_POST['comment'] ) < 15 ) {
       return 'BLOCK';
    Thread Starter m266


    Thanks for your info.

    Best regards

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