• Resolved matthew06


    The blog post content does not show. I am using Elementor. I contacted them, and we did a lot, but nothing worked. The only thing that worked was changing the theme, so OceanWP is the problem.

    I deactivated Elementor. Still does not work.

    I have built over five websites in the past with OceanWP and Elementor. This is the only time I have had this problem.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @matthew06,

    I checked your URL and saw no issue with your blog posts: https://postimg.cc/1fmFCkdr. All content is there.

    Please explain your issue, including screenshots, URLs, and any other document, so we can understand and check it better.
    You can upload your files to one of the following online services:
    Or any other service you know.

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter matthew06


    Thank you for responding. The issue is not showing because replaced my theme. Now that I put back Ocean WP, it is working again.

    Thread Starter matthew06


    Will not use OceanWP anyore. So frustrating that a simple thing as blog content disappears when used with Elementor. Closing thread.

    Hello @matthew06,

    Sorry for the inconvenience,

    I didn’t fully understand the issue, and the information provided wasn’t sufficient.

    If you still have an issue with OceanWP, kindly share the following info that could help us understand the issue you described better and hopefully help you resolve it:

    1. Detailed explanation of the issue you are experiencing; when did you first notice the problem occurring (after a particular update, using a specific device, etc), as well as the steps of you take that trigger the issue in case the problem is not constantly present on your website, especially on the frontend. You can attach screenshots or a short video of the issue.

    2. Explain to us step by step how we can reproduce the issue so we can recreate it somewhere other than your website.
    You can upload your files using one of the following online services:

    3. Kindly provide us with your system environment information. If you’re running Elementor, navigate to Elementor > System Info in your WP dashboard.

    You can send the information as code here or upload them to http://pastebin.com/ and get an exclusive link.

    Before sending these, please make sure that:
    Everything on your website is running the latest versions (WP, theme, plugins).
    If possible, perform a basic troubleshooting checkup method and make sure the issue is related to our theme or plugin(s). To do this, deactivate all other plugins then activate them one by one and check for this issue. Continue doing this until you find what product is causing a conflict with our product. Then provide the details as explained above.

    Note: if you have any cache plugin or server cache(CDN / Browser Cache and Cookies and …), you need to clear its cache contents or disable them to see your changes.

    Please keep us posted.
    Thank you,
    Best Regards

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