• After installed and running the plugin, my site can work properly. but WP-ADMIN going white screen and wp-login.php cannot login to dashboard area.

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  • Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi Farah,

    Sorry to hear about the serious issue you’re experiencing. Can you give us any additional information on why this might be happening or if this has happened on your site before? Often when the admin area is inaccessible, it’s due to a memory exhaustion error.

    If you’d like, please contact us via e-mail at Contact@etoilewebdesign.com so that we can help resolve this issue more quickly for you. If you’ve got a PHP error log that you’d be able to send, that would be a huge help as well.

    In the meantime, here’s a walkthrough on how to recover access to your admin panel:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Rustaurius.
    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi Farah,

    Just wanted to follow up to see if you were able to resolve the issue, and what might have been causing it.

    If you’re still experiencing the issue, try renaming his plugins folder and then re-activating the plugins one by one, to see which might be causing a conflict. Again, we’re happy to help via e-mail to get this resolved more quickly for you so that you can access the admin area of your site.

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