• Hi!

    I have rather starnge case so i will try to be describefull as possible.

    The back story:

    We have a site that used elementor pro for some time (3-4 years ago). then the company decided to end the subscribtion and use the free version only. However many things were built using elementor pro such as store templates and etc, and they left the “back then version” active.

    In order to not interfere with the past version of elementor pro we have (2.8.0) nobody updated elementor free as well.

    The goal:

    Fastforward to now days. I am the new support of the sites and i decided to uninstall elementor Pro (losing all the features they have been using so far, i know). By uninstalling it i want to update all other plugins so they can be up to date and we can continue using the site with just elementor free.

    However i face un issue that no matter what i do with elementor pro plugin the elementor editor crashes.

    The issues in detail:

    1. So first i deactivated elementor pro. Then all Pro features from the site disapeared – good, i expected this. What i didnt expected is that i cant open ANY page when clicking “edit with elementor”. Even with safe mode.
    2. I tried to update elementor free to its latest version but it didint help eighter.
    3. Then i started disabling plugins. However i cant deisable all of them as the site is live and multilingual. ( We are using WPML).
    4. Then i tried to update all other plugins to be up-to-date but this didnt help at all.

    Because this fiasco took me half a day to troubleshoot, at the end i reverted the site the the last backup version (with the not updated elementor pro and not updated plugins) – This version somehow works till this moment, but i truly want to update everything and deactivate elementor pro as its aboult good site health.

    TLDR: I have past version of elementor pro and everythime i want to deactivate it the “edit with elementor” option crashes.

    i have no logical explenation why this happens, so help will be much apriciated.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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