• Vraag:
    De bestelstatus verandert niet goed bij gedeeltelijke terugbetalingen (partial refund). Ik kan de oorzaak niet achterhalen. Kunnen jullie (@Mollie) onderstaand probleem reproduceren?

    Na het uitvoeren van een gedeeltelijke terugbetaling via Mollie verandert de bestelstatus in “in de wacht”. Bij volledige terugbetalingen verandert de bestelstatus naar “terugbetaald”.

    Er is vastgesteld dat de (gedeeltelijke) terugbetaling succesvol wordt uitgevoerd via mollie.nl. De optie Woocommerce > Betalingen > “Bestelstatus na geannuleerde betaling” is ingesteld op “in afwachting”, de optie “Klantgegevens opslaan bij Mollie” is ingeschakeld.

    Log volledige terugbetaling
    12:24: Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van In behandeling naar Terugbetaald.
    12:24: Mollie – iDEAL betaling _order_status_refunded via Mollie. Je moet de betaling handmatig beoordelen (en de productvoorraden aanpassen als je deze gebruikt). Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van In behandeling naar Terugbetaald.
    12:24 Nieuwe terugbetaling xxx verwerkt in Mollie Dashboard! Bestelnota toegevoegd, maar bestelling niet geüpdatet.
    12:24 Terugbetaling van EUR21.65 terugbetaald in WooCommerce en bij Mollie. Reason: annulering. Terugbetalings-ID: xxx.
    Status na terugbetaling: “afgerond”.

    Log gedeeltelijke terugbetaling:
    16:10 Mollie – iDEAL betaling _order_status_partially_refunded via Mollie. Je moet de betaling handmatig beoordelen (en de productvoorraden aanpassen als je deze gebruikt). Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van Afgerond naar In de wacht.
    16:10 Nieuwe terugbetaling re_TENMM8kdEs verwerkt in Mollie Dashboard! Bestelnota toegevoegd, maar bestelling niet geüpdatet.
    16:10 Terugbetaling van EUR2.80 terugbetaald in WooCommerce en bij Mollie. Reason: ander artikel. Terugbetalings-ID: xxx.
    Status na terugbetaling: “in de wacht”.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)
  • Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Aanvulling: ik heb de Mollie debug log ingeschakeld. De onderstaande log wordt gegenereerd zodra er een gedeeltelijke terugbetaling wordt uitgevoerd.

    2020-08-17T08:56:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Payment_Order::refund - 97444 - Try to process refunds or cancels.
    2020-08-17T08:56:21+00:00 DEBUG Try to process an amount refund (not individual order line)
    2020-08-17T08:56:21+00:00 DEBUG Terugbetaling van EUR2.20 terugbetaald in WooCommerce en bij Mollie. Reason: ander artikel. Terugbetalings-ID: re_xxx. 
    2020-08-17T08:57:04+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Plugin::shipAndCaptureOrderAtMollie - 97444 - Try to process completed order for a potential capture at Mollie.
    2020-08-17T08:57:04+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Plugin::shipAndCaptureOrderAtMollie - 97444 - Order successfully updated to shipped at Mollie, capture of funds underway.
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG mollie_wc_gateway_ideal: Mollie payment object ord_xxx (live) webhook call for order 97444.
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::handlePaidOrderWebhook - mollie_wc_gateway_ideal: Order 97444 does not need a payment by Mollie (payment ord_xxx).
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds called for order 97444 / paymentord_xxx
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds: No refunds to process for order 97444 / paymentord_xxx
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processChargebacks called for order 97444 / payment ord_xxx
    2020-08-17T08:57:05+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processChargebacks: No chargebacks to process for order 97444 / payment ord_xxx
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG mollie_wc_gateway_ideal: Mollie payment object tr_xxx (live) webhook call for order 97444.
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::handlePaidOrderWebhook - mollie_wc_gateway_ideal: Order 97444 does not need a payment by Mollie (payment tr_xxx).
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds called for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds All refund IDs for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx: ["xxx"]
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds Already processed refunds for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx: []
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds Refunds that need to be processed for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx: ["xxx"]
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds New refund xxx processed in Mollie Dashboard for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx Order note added, but order not updated.
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds Updated, all processed refunds for order 97444 / paymenttr_xxx: ["xxx"]
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processRefunds Updated state for order 97444
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processChargebacks called for order 97444 / payment tr_xxx
    2020-08-17T11:00:21+00:00 DEBUG Mollie_WC_Gateway_Abstract::processChargebacks: No chargebacks to process for order 97444 / payment tr_xxx

    Opmerkelijk is de melding: “Order note added, but order not updated”.

    Kunnen jullie mij aan de hand van deze melding in de juiste richting wijzen waarom de bestelstatus verandert naar ‘in de wacht’ in plaats van ‘voltooid’- of ‘terugbetaald’?

    Hier het zelfde, is er al een oplossing?

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    We hebben nog geen oplossing of reactie ontvangen van Mollie. Ik zal dit probleem bij hen aankaarten met een verwijzing naar dit topic.

    Hello @nectar91 @pahedomotica

    can you make sure please REST API is activated in the extended WooCommerce settings. The order statuses will be managed by WooCommerce. Please have a look here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-orders/

    Best regards

    The REST API is activated but not for Mollie, under “Payment” there is the Mollie API “Live API-sleutel”
    The link you sent says:
    Most gateways will report back and set the order status to Processing (payment successful) or Failed (payment unsuccessful). If the shop never receives either signal, it keeps the status on Pending.

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Dear @aweissinpsyde, this issue is only affecting partial refunds on our side. Other payments through Mollie, like payments, cancellations and full refunds, are working properly. I have been able to confirm that our Rest API can be accessed by visiting {url}/wp-json/wc/v2/orders; nothing (NGINX/Cloudflare) seems to be blocking that.

    I’m wondering if you have other clues on why partial refunds keep pending and other payments are finishing successfully.

    For me it’s the same also only partial refunds.

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Bump! @aweissinpsyde I haven’t heard back from you yet. Can you please let me know if you have been able to reproduce this problem and/or have added this bug into the backlog? I understand that you won’t be able to solve it quickly, but I’d like to know if it’s us or the plugin that is causing trouble.

    I’m looking forward hearing from you.

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    I will contact Mollie again since there are no updates coming from @aweissinpsyde. I’ll keep this topic updated once I have got more information.

    Hello @nectar91 @pahedomotica

    for a partial refund, you have to select Refund manually in the order details. Please have a look here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/refunds-2.gif and here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-refunds/

    Thank you

    Closed because of inactivity

    Closed but still not fixed, yesterday I got this message back from mollie after a partially refund:
    Mollie – Bancontact betaling _order_status_partially_refunded via Mollie (tr_XXXXXXX ). Je moet de betaling handmatig beoordelen (en de productvoorraden aanpassen als je deze gebruikt). Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van In behandeling naar In de wacht.

    Or is this the new way 🙁

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Hi @aweissinpsyde,

    Let me explain this problem to you again.

    When refunding a order, I have two options:
    > Full refund
    > Partial refund

    When making a full refund, the Mollie gateway automatically refunds the amount to the original payment method and changes the refund status to “refunded”.<br> When making a partial refund, Mollie also automatically refunds the amount to the original payment method, but now changes the order status from “finished” to “pending”. This is a big issue for our administration.

    I’d like to know how we can figure this out. If you want to do a one-on-one talk, please send me your Skype ID or e-mailadress so we can arrange a quick chat. My Skype ID is NTaravati.

    – Noell

    Ref. attachments from WooCommerce

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    @aweissinpsyde can you please update this topic? Thanks!

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Still waiting for you to update this issue @aweissinpsyde.

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