• Hi, I’m completely new to WordPress and have been trying to learn using WordPress playground. I’m trying to build a website using this theme, what are the most popular plugins I should know about, I can’t seem to find much info for using this theme.

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  • Hey @greenelephant828,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    We wish you the best in your journey with WordPress! The plugin we recommend is definitely CoBlocks, which adds a ton of new blocks to the Gutenberg page builder that you can use while building out pages.

    Regarding other plugins – it all depends on your and your website’s needs. There isn’t a specific set of plugins that should be installed with a specific theme (unless specifically stated by the theme creators). If you need a specific functionality, you install a plugin that fulfils this purpose. A quick Google search while help with that most of the time.

    Hope I helped!

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