• Resolved alaid



    An excellent plugin, congratulations. I have been testing the plugin for 2 weeks on several sites and so far it has worked fine, but today a Bad gateway Error code 502 error started appearing in the browser of all users who visit the site, however when entering with a browser different can be entered normally, until that point I thought it was the browser cache, but it also happens to other visitors, once I proceeded to enter from the Paneld and WordPress Administration in Pages or Entries the error appeared again, from any browser that I did the test and deleting the cache did not solve the issue, when deactivating Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP plugin everything works perfectly.

    I like this plugin, in the other sites until now it works perfectly, but in this one, which is a newspaper and has more than 50,000 articles, it presents me with this error.

    What do you think it could be and how to fix it?


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  • Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    hi @alaid, thank you for contacting me and I am glad you like the plugin. Don’t worry we will solve everything as soon as possible, I ask for some more information:

    • Could you please tell me the detailed instructions on how to reproduce the problem.
    • Could you send me a log just related to the Headers Seurity Advacned & HSTS WP plugin, where it calls you the 502 error?

    can you send me this information at support@tentacleplugins.com

    Plugin Contributor Augusto Bombana


    Hi @alaid , we’re trying to recreate this issue to fix it. It can be a problem related to the proxy buffer size, we’ve simulated it on an nginx server now and working for a solution. We’ll be back soon

    Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hi @alaid, this is Andrea and I wanted to update you on the 502 issue you reported yesterday. I ran several tests and finally found the bug that was causing the problem with the directives.

    How to fix the problem?

    • Uninstall and delete the previous Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP plugin;
    • Install the latest version 5.0.06, update permalinks to be safe, and see if you resolve the 502 issue you were reporting in this topic.

    Thank you for opening the topic and especially thank you for taking the time to report the issue you were experiencing.

    If you still have problems or have further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also for even faster support you can also contact us at the following email: support@tentacleplugins.com

    Thread Starter alaid


    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for the quick response and solution, I followed the steps and everything works fine again.


    Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hi @alaid, I am glad you don’t encounter the problem anymore I hope you enjoyed the support 🙂 for any information or problem I am at your disposal.

    Thread Starter alaid



    With the other sites that do not have this problem, should the same steps be followed or just update to the latest version 5.0.06?


    Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hi @alaid, in order to avoid any slight possibility of encountering the reported error I recommend you to upgrade to the final version 5.0.6 and if possible before doing so uninstall the old plugin.

    Do not sitate to write me for more information I am here 🙂

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