• Resolved onsolution


    I have the plugin installed on all my sites. Since 5.5 I have been getting automatic update notifications FROM WORDPRESS.Even though Easy Updates Manager is turned on, and I have the following setting set: https://imgur.com/a/B2kG0fy
    How can I stop this?! Without changing the code. There has to be something wrong there.

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  • Plugin Support bcrodua



    Can you confirm that you have the latest version 9.0.6?


    Love the application. Only i also have same problem on all my websites (over +40) and is driving me mad receiving from all updates an email (and deleting them). Is there any solution to this except on all website to change manual in functions.php script? I am surprised not more people have this problem.
    (update to latest version 9.0.6)

    same issue here… 🙁

    Same here, disable update notifications has never worked since I started using the plugin. My host is Siteground.

    This is such an old issue and they have never tried to solved it. I solved it myself by deleting this plugin and installing this one. Works like a charm!


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