• griselidis


    Hi !

    Great plugin so far 🙂

    I work on a website created with a particular structure. So, WP-content directory is here /www/web/wp/wp-content/ and other directories as plugin or themes are stored this way : /www/web/app/uploads

    Everything is working well, but one thing does not work at all. I mean, for attachments files for emails that are sent to users after form submission. Could you please tell me to change the constant and where to change it, to make a pdf file to be attached to mails ? That’s the only thing that would make me changer the form plugin.

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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    See File uploading and attachment

    The temporary folder for uploaded files must be located under the content directory that WordPress manages (either WP_CONTENT_DIR or ABSPATH . UPLOADS).

    Thread Starter griselidis


    Hi, tahnks for your answer. <in fact, it’s not about uploaded files. But only about attachment files. I want to use cf7 to send a pdf attachment file to users who fill the form. But my attachment file can’t be in the wp-content directory because wp-content is not stored in the same parent directory than uploads. Could you please help me ?

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