• Resolved emmlan87


    Hi everyone,

    I’m encountering an issue with the media library on my WordPress site. This isn’t a traditional WordPress site; we’re using WordPress as a headless CMS and also integrating Media Flow.

    The problem occurs when I click on an image (Image A) in the media library. The Attachment details-window appears as expected. However, when I close this window and click on a different image (Image B), the Attachment details-window still shows the details for Image A. I can’t get the details for a new image in the Attachment details-window until I do a page reload.

    Has anyone experienced this issue or have any idea what might be causing it and how to resolve it?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Hello @emmlan87
    1. Please clear your browser cache and try accessing the images again. Additionally, if you’re using a cache plugin on your WordPress site, clear its cache as well to ensure the updates take effect.
    2. Theme Compatibility: If you’re using a custom theme or framework for your headless setup, ensure it doesn’t interfere with media library functionality. Switch temporarily to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) to check if the issue persists.

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