Support » Plugin: Super Progressive Web Apps » Aria Label for snackbar causing accessibility warning in Lighthouse

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  • Plugin Author SuperPWA


    Hi, thanks for reaching out to us. Could you please confirm from which version you are receiving this warning on your website? Also, please confirm your current version of SuperPWA.

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    Hi, We have raised a GitHub ticket in our repository and this concern will be addressed in the upcoming update.

    You can track the progress here:

    Thread Starter homonk



    If you still need it I’m using WordPress 6.3.2 and SuperPWA 2.2.20

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    Hi, thanks for sharing this. We will address this concern in the upcoming update. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.

    Ah, just came here to see if anyone else encountered this.

    Is there any chance the “snackbar” is related to the option Disable "Add to home screen" ?

    Because I thought I could get rid of the error by disabling the banner, assuming the “snackbar” div was related to the banner, but the code is still injected into the HTML it seems.

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    @bjarne Oldrup: Hi, we’ve already raised a GitHub ticket for this concern, and it will be addressed soon. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.


    Same error here…tried to modify the aria-label…but the error persists.

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    @shepardsr: Thanks for letting us know. we’ve already raised a GitHub ticket for this concern, and it will be addressed soon.

    you can track progress here:

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    Hi All, Hope you’re doing well. We’ve released a new update, so kindly update the plugin with the new version 2.2.23 , clear the cache once and give it a try. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any concerns.

    100/100 score in Google Lighthouse, and no errors in W3C’s HTML validator now – that’s a fine little Christmas present right there.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author SuperPWA


    Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved. We are marking this thread as closed. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us. Have a great day ahead and Merry Christmas 🎄

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