• Resolved alantygel


    From Woocommerce 8.4 on, the shipping settings interface was modified. This is causing Wooreer settings to throw a Javascript error.

    So, it is not possible to configure Wooreer after WC8.4, though it continues to work ir already configured.

    You can download Woocommerce 8.3.1 here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/advanced/ (bottom of the page).

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  • I second that, I have the same issue. If the plugin is already configured it works.

    Regarding the lack of similar plugins I’m kinda worried.

    Yupp, same issue here….

    in the file

    there is a function
    moveHTMLHelpTips: function(n)

    this switch can be commented out:
    if (o.some(e=>a.includes(e))) {
    t.find(label[for=${a}] span.woocommerce-help-tip).addClass(“wc-shipping-visible-help-text”)
    } else {


    and the front-end form works again

    not ideal because it is editing the woocommerce core js file but it gets it back working in the meantime

    the if part can be commented out, the else part is needed

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Thanks for the report. I am fixing this.

    Still not working! The plugin is useless without the interface.

    Any news on a resolution for this issue?

    Plugin Author Sofyan Sitorus


    Fixed in version 2.2.0

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